I’ve been watching The new season of The Voice off and on. I have really enjoyed this show. I got bored with American idol a few years ago. I think what The Voice does best is let anyone have a chance without their looks and they don’t have to be an amateur. The idea that the judges can only hear the singers before they decide who they want on their team is a unique idea and it works for the first few episodes. After that it just becomes another singing talent competition.
I do like the singing battles a lot. That is probably the best part of the show for me because I haven’t seen something like that done anywhere else. It’s unique and brings in some great performances. Once the real team singing starts and the public has their chance it starts to be the same as other shows. The fact that the teams are battling against each other brings in some interesting developments. The judges have more say in who stays and goes which I believe is good for their team. I have strongly disagreed with some of the judges and public decisions but it’s too late to talk about that now.
Tony Lucca is a good singer. I really enjoyed his rendition of the Britney Spears song. I have to agree with him being the last on Team Adam. He’s good but he is not my favorite. I wouldn’t want him to win.
Jermaine Paul is a very good singer and I totally agree with this result. He has a great voice and probably will do good after the show. I also don’t think he should win but I wouldn’t be surprised if he wins especially looking at the public votes.
Chris Mann is a fantastic singer. I love his voice so much even when he doesn’t sing opera. He gives me chills when he sings. I have to say I thought Lindsey was better and a more interesting singer. I can see myself listening to her music more than his. For me I was happy with either being the last on Team Christina. I still don’t want him to win. He would be my second personal choice and I would be very surprised if the public votes for him.
Juliet Simms is an amazing singer. I feel she is the best singer of all of them. I want her to win and I also believe the public might vote for her. I actually voted for her many times and bought her songs on itunes. She is perfect when she does rock music which is probably my favorite music of them all. She has been one of my favorites since this show started.
Now we have to wait for next week to see their last performances and vote. I am not sure if I’ll change my mind but I really feel it’s going to be between Juliet Simms and Jermaine Paul. I would be totally surprised if the others win.