Playing with new CPU

I just got a new CPU, AMD Phenom II X4, for my computer which is probably 2x the speed of my last one. I didn’t need to change the motherboard which is a good thing. I wish I could get more memory but I would rather save money for other stuff. 6GB of Ram works enough for me. I don’t think 2 more GB would make much difference in the game. Maybe for video editing it would allow me to do stuff faster and more things at the same time. I can play in Ultra high graphics at directx11 in the majority of places for PVE. In the Ettenmoors it does get a bit slow when there are a lot of people running and fighting around me. Medium setting fixes this problem most of the time.

Now that I have this new setup I did some testing. I uploaded 2 videos on my youtube channel. The first one shows my hunter fighting in PVE at the highest graphic setting. The second one shows my Burglar doing his thing in the Moors for PvMP. I tried showing the new water effects while I was fishing. The new shadows for directx11 doesn’t make much of a difference in my opinion. You can see my new setup for my interface and how I fight at level 65. I still fight when the odds are against me. It’s what I do in RL so it makes sense to do it in a virtual game.

My level 65 hunter in Directx11.

Playing with new CPU

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

Johnnyboi in Directx11 fishing and fighting in the moors!

Playing with new CPU

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

You can catch up with all my past videos from this game here:

My Level 40 Burglar visits the Ettenmoors in LOTRO
Lotro burglar level 40 pvp action
lotro burglar Level 41, 42 and 43 in the moors
lotro burglar Level 44, 45 and 46 in the moors
Lotro burglar Level 47, 48 and 49 in the moors
Lotro burglar Level 50, 51 and 52 in the moors
Lotro burglar Level 53, 54 and 55 in the moors
Lotro burglar Level 56 and 57 in the moors
Lotro burglar Level 58 and 59 in the moors
Lotro burglar Level 60 and 61 in the moors
Lotro burglar Level 62 in the moors

I will be adding 3 more videos so I show how I got to level 65 and got rank 7. There will be a new update in a few months which will change a lot of things including max level. I want to get as much of this done before that so I can actaully explain the many changes I haven’t talked about. This game is now free for everyone to play. At this time free players can’t participate in PvMP but for the new update they will. I am still finding a lot of fun with this game. Many friends in the game. I do plan on playing other games which you can check out on my other blogs.